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This often leads to our often – present state, of having a dearth of true, reliable, quality leaders! In order to become a great leader, one must do all he can, to heal the scars from the political campaigns, and get others to UNITE, for the common good. This means reaching out, and becoming a true leader, not only of those who voted for you, but for everyone!
True leaders unify, for the good of the organization, so real priorities might be addressed, and urgent business, taken care of, in the best possible way. If you are a leader, you must differentiate useful from petty stuff, and urge both your supporters, and others, to join together, for the greater good!
Needs; niceties: Once elected, one has the choice, of how he will behavior towards others. Will he make it all about him, or clearly show, he seeks to serve all constituents, and the group?
Will you clearly articulate your message, and intent, to integrate positive ingredients and actions, into the group’s activities? The goal of leaders must be to enhance involvement, because relevant groups must generate growth!
Timely; time – tested; trends: Stop discussing what didn’t work well, in the past! Rather, introduce well – considered, timely strategies, proceed to taking relevant actions, and take advantage of those trends, which might improve the group’s relevance and sustainability!
Excellence; empower; empathy; earn: Don’t assume you know what others think, believe, perceive, or are concerned about! Get others involved, so they feel empowered, and want to do more! If you do all this, you will earn the respect, not only of present supporters, but other fair – minded constituents!
You aren’t leading if you divide, because true leaders realize, they must UNITE! Do you have what it takes to be a real leader?
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_cta admin_label=”Call To Action” button_url=”bit.ly/justboomingnow” url_new_window=”on” button_text=”Be a Leader and start your own online business” use_background_color=”on” background_color=”#00a8ff” background_layout=”dark” text_orientation=”center” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid” custom_button=”off” button_letter_spacing=”0″ button_use_icon=”default” button_icon_placement=”right” button_on_hover=”on” button_letter_spacing_hover=”0″ /][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]